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Coil Relay mod...stupid questions...please help

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    Coil Relay mod...stupid questions...please help


    I have never worked on a bike that is 30 years old. Don't mean to ask stupid questions.

    Left side coil wires are orange and white
    Right side coil wires are orange and black

    Which wires are positive?

    From reading other posts
    you plug the coil wire (yellow) onto the + terminal on each coil and take the orange with white wires that were connected to the coils and crimp them into the butt connector on the control (green) wire.

    Guessing white and black wires are positive???

    So what do you do with the wires coming from the points?

    If I can't fix this my girlfriend is going to think poorly of me. Please help

    Duden ot sure about points systems, but I know this isn't too different.

    The yellow/black are your 'signal' wires, they will be mounted on the - side of the coils, on my Kat one - is white and the other coil - is yellow/black, these don't need any tampering.

    The orange/white are definately the + wires, that go to each coil +.

    Use the search feature here and look up 'coil relay mod diagram', you will find a very simple diagram.


      Originally posted by br1amb View Post

      If I can't fix this my girlfriend is going to think poorly of me. Please help
      Get a new girlfriend.

      Life is too short to ride an L.


        If you follow the wires to the coils, the "+" and "-" should be stamped in the body of the coil where the wires enter the coil.

