Now for the most recent before & after pics (have done more work this week, have yet to take pics).

Now for the current problem, let me first give a rundown of what's been done: valves checked & adjusted, new intake o-rings & good boots, compression check (forgot to note reading, will be re-doing that), new exhaust gaskets, carbs synced, new plugs, point gap set, PO did the carb disassembly/cleaning & left airbox off (replaced the box w/new filter), and someone along the way de-restricted the mufflers.
Ran when I bought it, but only with choke on, valve adjustment cured that. Runs pretty good now, seems to be lacking power in the upper gear ranges, pulls to near redline in 1st & 2nd. Big problem is fuel consumtion is way too high, I'm talking 100 +/- miles/tank or 21-22mpg, nearly half of what it should be. Seeps a bit from the petcock, and appears to seep from #1 & 2 bowls when sitting, just not enough to explain the amount of overall consumption.
Do I start with petcock rebuild, fuel levels & float height or look elsewhere? My guess is that it loses more in motion (like a cracked overflow tube in the bowl?). [-o<
Also, where does the second vacuum line go? the left one goes to petcock I'm certain, but the center one puzzles me.