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exhaust temperature readings

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    I use the IR thermometers at my shop to check for bad injectors on diesels they also work great for finding dragging brakes, plugged heat exchangers, bad catalytic converters and more. It was worth every penny I paid. However, I can see how tuning your bike with it my be futile for the many reasons in prior posts. At best you might be able to spot a misfiring cylinder. Besides, you'd look funny riding down the road trying to aim the red dot on the pipes. My opinion is they kick ass but I don't know if it would work for tuning accurately.



      In case anyone reads this far down, here's what I found. The IR heat gun works good for checking if one is not firing. It's worthless for tuning the carbs. The temp ranges from 250 to about 350 on the outside of the clue to what the EGT would be inside.

      When I first get one up and running it's nice to be able to see if all 4 are running close. It's worth if for that. Before I would just slap the pipe to see if they all burned my hand about the same amount. This is much more accurate and a bit less painful. But for carb adjustment the temps are too erratic. It bounces up or down 20 degrees and other tuning methods work better anyway. A high-dollar EGT gage might work, but it's not worth the money.

      In my humble opinion.

