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Idle fluctuation story

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    Idle fluctuation story

    Ok Here is my addition to the story on this.

    Been riding the 86 550es for about 500 miles now. Been doing some upkeep and such. It has been running good I thought. I don't like to do a whole lot at once so I have been stepping it along.

    Ya'll can follow what I am up to in my other threads.

    So this weekend I thought I would do a little more maintenance.

    Changed oil and filter. Shop here in town had the filter 4bucks o ring 3buck and 10-40 for the oil regular stuff at wally world. Thought what the hey I'll service the air filter as well.

    Anyway, put in too much oil, was watching the ballgame siphoned it down to the right level. Now harm no foul. Filter went in without a hitch.

    Got my air filter done. Used some spray on foam oil. Soaked it up to balance it out. Installed it and went for a short ride. all ok that day.
    Next day went to work about got to work and noticed it was idling high before it settled down. HHMMM!! I thought, it has not been doing that.

    Got home from work that day. Did about the same when I got home. Checked my air filter. I did not get it put in place correctly. OOOPPsss. Got it put in right this time. Noticed that I had left the breather hose off the cover when I did the valves. Man, had to take the tank loose and raise up to put the hose back on.

    Went for another ride. Man idle funky again. Would not return to idle like it used to. Took air filter out. Maybe I over oiled. Cleaned out and started over. No oil as of yet for a test. Ride with same results. Carb series is fixing to be read in prep to clean out them.

    So I was putzing with it some more and noticed that my throttle had no play in it. I put some slack in it and went for a ride. Got to the end of the block and let off. It did not idle down. reached under and lowered the idle down on the carbs. It idled right down and I went for about a 30 mile trip without a hitch.

    Something I did notice. When I turned the bars before all this the idle would go up and down when I moved them. Now it does not.

    If the weather cooperates with me I will test it again tomorrow. If that goes well I will oil the foam filter and let ya'll know the results.

    So far I am hoping that the throttle cable was the issue.

    Just thought I would post my issues in light of the idle issues posted recently.

    If this does not make sense please feel free to comment so all can understand.



    Oil on the filter is not the problem; if you over oil the filter the idle will be too low, not high (which indicates a possible lean condition).

    Frankly, sounds like you have had quite a few problems all at once. Hard to offer advice in situations like that. I suggest you pull off the tank and verify everything is hooked up proper like - throttle cable should have a little slack at idle. Button everything back up and hopefully all will be well.

    To measure is to know.

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      Thanks Nessim, I wanted to pass along other things for folks to think about along with rebuilding the carbs and o rings and such. I wanted to come across a coherent about the situation. I have not had the pleasure of doing this yet. O rings replaced against the head and such.

      The bike did beautiful on the running part to and from work today. 6 miles each way.

      However, pulled away on a green light, 1st fine, second gear fine.......(wait for it)

      Pulled the clutch and pop goes the cable. Only had to negotiate a 4 way stop before I got home. Did not have to push until I got to the garage.

      Got to the local shop. Did not have in stock. He did check his suppliers. I'll have one tomorrow. Same price as online.

      So opportunities abound to improve my motorcycle relationship.

      Thanks to all involved.



        New cable installed and test ride completed. Got my cable at the local dealer. Same price ans the net and did not charge me shipping.\\/


