The problems I'm having are as follows.
The bike will not run without the choke on! I put the choke all the way on, start the bike, and start working the choke down, before I get even halfway off the bike just dies on me. I turned it down to the point where it barely runs and let it idle and it just dies after a few minutes. I then have to turn the petcock to prime it get it to start up again.
Throttle hesitation! This thing had atrocious throttle hesitation. I mean I would be at a stop sign, and open the throttle up to move through the intersection and its like 3-5 seconds before it actually starts moving along at a speed that allows me to pick my feet up. I talked to the guy that sold it to me and he said the gas in the tank was about 6 months old and he *thinks* it had stabil in it. I took the seat off, took the tank off, and drained the gas as best I could. The gas was kind of brownish and in the little bit of gas I could not get out of the tank I looked inside and noticed little tiny pieces of debris in the little amount of gas swishing around in the bottom. The good news is the tank has been treated and the inside of the tank is covered in what looks like white lacquer so it doesn't rust.
I ran some seafoam straight into the carbs with the tank off, cleaned the tank out, refilled with 93 and added some seafoam and now after the bike gets going for a bit the throttle hesitation is barely noticeable after riding it for maybe 20 minutes. The only thing that worries me still is having to run it with the choke more than halfway on.
Do you guys know any trick I could try, or has this happened to any of you? I personally don't trust local garages around me to provide quality, honest service, and the person that does all of my families car work doesn't do bikes.
edit: oh yea, it backfires when you let the throttle out, what could be causing that?