A little bit about the bike, it's a 1983 GS550L, with 15K miles on it. I have rode the bike when it was running. It was running with a miss though. Like it would run really good for a second, and then it would miss and backfire almost as if you turned the key off and on real quick like. I told the guy who had it that I would definitely buy it off him if he got it fixed.
Well he took it and had the carb cleaned and changed the plugs and plug wires, still it had this issue. I think this is when he decided to take it to another guy who was a mechanic. He said he purchased two new coils for $100 a piece. Yet the problem still exists..
I asked the guy that was working on it what he thought was wrong with it and he said he thought the coil was bad on the left side. I asked him why it would be bad if he just ordered a new one. He said sometimes they came from the factory bad. (At this point I highly doubted the guy really knew what he was doing or he would have KNOWN that the coil was bad) He said that the left side coil would get hot and the plugs wasn't getting fire from that coil, however the right side coil was staying cool and the plugs from it were getting fire fine.
I went ahead and traded a pretty nice glock to the bike, thinking well the bike will be worth more than the gun (approx. $600) especially when I get it running and it pays for its self in gas savings.
Next I found some used coils and a CDI unit on ebay. I am hoping that these will fix the problem. I'm not sure what all the CDI I bought came with but it had a few other things with it. The reason I went ahead and bought the CDI was because it was a good deal on it and I heard that these bikes tend to get bad CDI units especially for this particular year (1983), also I thought it was likely the CDI unit was bad since the left coil wasn't working as it was suppose to (considering it was new and likely not the coil causing the problem).
The link to the CDI I bought is:
Can someone look at the picture of the item and tell me what the other two items with the heat sink are (someone said they were rectifiers but I thought this bike only had 1 rectifier?? these look to be made different. are they aftermarket?), and what the black round thing is in the picture. I know which part is the cdi, but I don't know what those other pieces are.
I'd appreciate it if someone could make any recommendations on what I should do to get my bike up and going and identifying the items in the picture on the page I provided.
I look forward to getting my bike running and enjoying this summer riding instead of spending it in the shop!! :neutral: