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Revs when bars turned right

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    Revs when bars turned right

    It revs when I turn the bars right. I can see it pull the cable and open up the carbs. I went to turn around in a tight spot in a parking lot and everyone is looking at me like I'm an idiot cause it's not like I'm just reving the motor. It was like hey everyone wanna see how long I can hold it wide open? It's not that bad when the bike is moving. I really don't notice it. Anyway I tried tightening at the carb. The little 90 elbow at the control I tried sticking a washer in there so that won't pivot.(that doesn't work motor revs a LOT) took out the washer and I'm back where I started. It seems like that elbow is not supposed to move because when I move the elbow instead of the bars I can REALLY see the carbs open up. And it doesn't help that I have never owned one of these cause I don't know how things are supposed to be and what someone has done.

    Reroute the cable.


      Loosen the cable so it has a bit of slack in it. It can't be super tight with the bars straight ahead for this very reason. Your manual will state around 1/8" of throttle slack with the bars straight ahead. I generally set mine tighter than that because I don't like the slack at all. What I do is adjust it as tight as possible with no rev change as you swing the bars from stop to stop.

      You will crash sooner or later from this if you don't correct it, so don't just leave it and ride.



        Yes I just found that out. I ran to the store real quick. I did not like that at all it kept getting worse. I had to shut the bike off at stop signs. I got back home asap!

        So do I need to adjust the cable at the carb? I guess I moved those nuts around when I took it off so now here in a different position? Wait this is probly in the book isn't it and I'm just not reading it.


          adjust at the throttle grip, AND possibly at the carbs. Yes, the book will have it in there as well.


            I am not sure of this will help but you can try it. What actually tightened mine was moving/shifting the nuts down as far as possible on the screw which attaches to the carbs. So I would just do the opposite and screw nuts upward leaving as much of the end of the screw exposed and still being able to attach to the carbs. That should loosing the cables some.



              Got it! I had to adjust both the nuts on the carb and at the controls. I guess I was going fast putting it back together (like normal) cause I wanted to ride it. My biggest problem was I hooked the cable up wrong at the carb. So the nuts were just moving as the pleased because of the vibration of the bike. Seems to me like that why it was getting worse and then getting better as I was driving it. And now I'm thinking Arby's


                Originally posted by biker_guy View Post
                Got it! I had to adjust both the nuts on the carb and at the controls. I guess I was going fast putting it back together (like normal) cause I wanted to ride it. My biggest problem was I hooked the cable up wrong at the carb. So the nuts were just moving as the pleased because of the vibration of the bike. Seems to me like that why it was getting worse and then getting better as I was driving it. And now I'm thinking Arby's
                You need to read this & REMEMBER it! If you RUSH when working on your bike, you CAN make a mistake that could KILL not only you but some other innocent person also! I have SEEN it happen & you could put yourself AND your family in a life changing liability situation because you were "in a hurry"! Slow down & DOUBLE check your work! Hang around UNHURT for awhile! :-)!!!! Ray.


                  Yes dad. (just joking) but that sounds like something my dad would say. As I was typing I realized what an idiot I was because if I would have just thought about it for two seconds I would have thought hey that's not going to work. This is the first time I've worked on a bike, but I've put cables on plenty of stuff to know how to hook one up so yes shame shame on me. And I'm telling ya I'll remember this situation. It was SCARY. And people around here are jerks. I don't care if they're in a catty, mini van, a half blown up kia if they hear your motor rev every car for two blocks is going to try and race you. While all this was going on some stupid mini van was riding me so bad. I don't really know what else to say except for that was not cool at all and you're right.


                    Routing throttle and clutch cables so that they work smoothly and don't tighten when you turn your handlebars all the way to the right or left is almost an art.

                    And it is very important that you do not cut corners when doing this - crashing sucks and can have serious, life altering consequences way beyond totalling your bike!

                    You may need to disconnect the cables at one end or the other to re-route them through the wires and steering stem parts before you find just the right route for them to go where they do not bind and do not tighten no matter the position of the handlebars.
                    Last edited by Guest; 06-27-2008, 04:59 PM.


                      Originally posted by biker_guy View Post
                      Yes dad. (just joking) but that sounds like something my dad would say.
                      So your dad was smart enough to attain an age old enough to have you.
                      Are you that smart?

                      A lot of "riders" aren't.

                      Life is too short to ride an L.


                        Public Service Announcement

                        Government testing on laboratory animals proves that you could be seriously killed or injured by improper maintenance or faulty operation of your motorcycle.

                        Thank you for your indulgence,



                          This should be a "Must Read" post for all of us newbies. We (I at least) really needed to read this series and let it soak in. It is easy to rush and get overlly enthusiastic. Been there.

                          Thanks Rapid Ray and others for a well needed rebuke that all of us should heed!


