bike sat for years....
both seals leaked like crazy when i put oil in.. but they seem to be getting better... i ordered new ones already...
anyway, the rate feels ok, nice and soft, not too stiff, my problem is the sagg, i need to space them up about 1 1/2",
heres my measurements,
sitting on the centerstand, fully extended, i have 6 1/2" from dust boot to triple tree..... thats open tube available for compression...
sitting on the side stand, i have 4 7/8" left... wow
sitting up, no weight on it, not on any stands, i have 3 3/8" available
and with me sitting on it, i have 2 7/8" free...
it only moves about 1 1/2 to 2 1/4" when driving... it doesnt bottom out, it just seems to ride low in the front and i dont want the fender that close to my oil cooler
i want to put in a pvc spacer, and see how it rides then... what size do i need????
also, i put 15w oil in it, and it was way stiff, i drained half the oil out and it was pretty nasty, now it rides ok but im sure theres still some gunk in there....
i was thinking about seeing if i can put a spacer in, then swapping out the oil a couple more times to clean it up, the old seals seem to be coming back to life, if not, i have new ones coming to replace them....
any ideas, any help at all is appreciated!!!