Fuel tank has been sealed successfully with the Por-15 kit. The new petcock was also installed and shows no signs of leaking either. I’ve also changed the oil since the petcock was replaced.
I checked compression the other day with a slightly warm engine (approx. 1 hr after warmed up and it wasn’t too hot to begin with) and read the following:
120 psi
115 psi
120 psi
120 psi
Also, all spark plugs were heavily carbon fouled (number 4 plug looked like it had some oil on it too). Given the decent compression readings and signs that the bike is running very rich, I think the carb cleaning and adjustments will do a lot for this bike.
I’m currently in the process of adjusting valve shims (waiting on shims to arrive). All clearances measured below .0015” (my smallest feeler gauge) so I am planning to reduced all shims 1 step. If any valves are still out of tolerance, I will hopefully be able to make up for it with shims that I already have. Increasing valve clearance should increase compression somewhat too, correct? I’ve decided to wait on performing any carb work until valve shim adjustments are complete (probably next weekend).
I’ve also noticed that I’m missing a few parts on the bike- at least a clutch cover (see picture below). How important is this part and does anyone have one they would be willing to sell? Can you tell if anything else is missing?
I'd appreciate any comments.

Thanks everyone!