The body and tank are in excellent condition. Petcock (fuelswitch?) is new, and works.
Now, the fun part. We had to replace the Choke cable and the Throttle cable. Getting the throttle on was a pain in the rear, and eventually we had to take the carbs out to do it. This /did/ get it running, but we didn't seal the carbs to the engine very well, so we had a vaccum leak. But it ran, and I was able to ride it for short periods.
The reason we replaced the throttle cable? Because every time it'd idle, the engine would die. We had to keep revving to keep it alive.
We eventually took the carbs off, and inspected nbr 1. The carbs looked clean. It's a Mikuni BS32SS model. The only thing that concerned me was a rubber washer that seemed to be pretty beat up and possible corroding. We sprayed carb cleaner in about every orifice we could find, except the top part, having been warned about the top.
We put the whole shebang back in, seated wonderfully, and gave it a go. Nothing. Replaced spark plugs and tested for spark (good), but still nothing. We try choking, starter fluid, everything. Nothing's getting it running again.
My only remaining hope is to rebuild the carbs with the o-ring kit, following the writeup here.
Are there other things I'm not thinking about? The cylinders are fine, I think, as it sounded really nice when it was running. The plugs were nice and black on 3 and 4, and white on 1 and 2 (sitting on bike, counting left to right).
What else do I need to think of?
Been reading this place for 3 days straight. I <3 TGSR.