So my buddies and I were on the Blue Ridge Parkway somewhere between Maggie Valley and Blowing Rock. We stopped for lunch and I noticed some oil leaking. We discovered that the breather cover was loosening up, and it looks like the cam shaft adjuster is leaking as well.

Now in regards to the breather, I followed Bass Cliff's manual to the letter when I did the valves. ( I also replaced all of those half moon rubber plugs.) His instructions say that the valve cover and breather only need 6 or 7 ft/lbs of tightening. My torque wrench's lowest setting is 10 ft/lbs, so thats what I did. (OK so I didn't follow it all to the letter.) In any case it was clear that some of the bolts were loosening up causing the oil to leak.
So here are my questions:

1). Is 6-7 ft/lbs of torque the most that should be used or can I go higher? If so is there a maximum amount of torque that I shouldn't exceed?
2). I will check the manual about the leaking cam chain adjuster, but does anyone have some wisdom to share in regard to this? Also will this alter the current tension on the cam chain? I think the cam chain is loose anyhow so I will want to tighten it up after I take care of the leak. Any suggestions here are appreciated.
3) Oh yeah, almost forgot this one. Can I just retorque the valve cover and breather bolts, or will I need to get a new gasket and completely redo it again?

You guys have been great in the past. I expect more awesome advice on this one.
David Newvine
82 GS850L