Dear All-
Thank you for all the helpful advice- some of which I hadn't even considered...let me get back to you after I print some of the ideas and put them to good use- am starting with replacing all fuses and connectors even if they look good/tested good. Color coded electrical manual not much help- last owner I think did do some of the wiring in the dark- think I will follow schematics in Clymer and re-wire proper. I guess that's a good starting point.
And yes, I have helped rebuild an '82 GS 1100GL...I'm not a total mechanical waste although I do so hate the grime under my nails at this point.

As for the person I verbally sparred with and anyone taking offense- please accept my apologies. I am not used to such a 'gruff tone' for asking what I construed to be a simple question. I suppose my pride in how I deal with folks got in the way. Please understand, I deal with 'newbs' all day- people barely able to even operate a computer- I am used to being a bit more gentle with people who lack the IT knowledge I do. As such, I guess I expect the same when I am not a 'guru' in something...anyhow, sorry for the misunderstanding.