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Camchain Tensioner oil leak '80 GS850G

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    Camchain Tensioner oil leak '80 GS850G

    My 1980 GS850G camchain tensioner drips oil off the end of the spring loaded knob (not the base gasket).
    1st Question : I have ordered the o-ring 09280-06003 (as indicated on microfishe) from a local places and from a distant mail order place and both times I recieve 09280-06005 which is about 3/8" by 5/16" (about 9x6cm). Which seems too small to be of use anywhere. Any Comment?

    2nd Question : The microfishe shows one o-ring but doesnt really show where it goes. In fact, microfishe for different years shows the same part number 09280-06003 but shows the o-ring in a different place. I have an extra used camchain tensioner (not sure of year but it looks the same as mine) which I have disassembled. It has two oil seals on the spring loaded knob half of of the tensioner; one is on the shaft and the other is on the bonnent(?) nut, neither of which seem to be the one and only o-ring shown on microfishe. Suzuki manaul and Clymer manaul dont show any of this at all. Anybody have any first hand experience with this before I pull the carbs and the tensioner to find I dont have correct oil seal?
    McKiver has previously recommended part number 09284-1006, is that one of the two not shown on my microfishe (fische GS850GT Feb1980)?
    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl

    Mine was leaking on the nut/adjusting screw seal. i went to the local auto parts house and matched on up, works perfect. You do not have to remove the carbs if you use a long 1/4" extension and a swivel head 10mm 1/4" drive socket. Takes about ten minutes tops with that set-up. :twisted:


      Mine not leaking from locknut/adjust screw (but maybe that is the o-ring shown in microfishe) but is leaking dripping off of the end of the big knurled knob. Microfishe doesnt show the oil seals there on that shaft which is what I am asking about.
      I will look to see if oil is comming from locknut adjusting screw then running to end, but I am still asking about the other oil seals.
      Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
      GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


        Well reason I posted was mine appeared to come from the spring also, always a drip hanging off the knob. I didn't see the trail until I removed it, and went from there. :twisted:


          I replaced the o-ring on lock bolt/nut of the adjuster on my 83 850. I, like you had trouble determining what o-rings went where. There is an o-ring about the size of a No. 2 pencil that goes around the lock bolt/nut on the left side of the adjuster. There is a seal just behind the knurled knob which goes aournd the shaft the knurled knob is attached to. Now, there is also a big o-ring about 3/4 to 1 inch in diameter that goes behind the knurled knob. After looking at pictures and talking to the parts counter guy, my understanding is that once you remove the knob, the end of the housing which holds that shaft can be screwed off. This is where the big o-ring goes.


            i guess that O ring is usually ther culprit
            I have seen a few folks on this site correct the problem with o rings found at a good hardware store. i need to do the same thing to mine. only postponed it for 2 years so far. :?


              I suppose it would be possible to find a generic o-ring replacement, but....My problem is an oil seal (not an o-ring) which is not shown on the microfishe. McKiver emailed me some good info about oil seal part number 09284-1006 which is not on microfische. He included this info: Some of the older micro-fiche only show the o-ring and and not the oil seal in question. The way around this is to go to a newer year of mc on bike bandit and check the pictures for the specific part. My dealer does not show the oil seal for an 1980 850 but for a newer year it is there. Go figure.
              Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
              GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                And as McKiver indicated: I looked at the fische for 83 GS850GL and it shows all three; the 2 o-rings and the oil seal. (the 2nd 'cam chain' listed on BikeBandit is for GL, the 1st is for G, look at the 2nd one.)
                Looks like it took Suzuki 3 years to get this straightend out.

                Thanks McKiver, and I'll thank you and this site again after I am able to replace these oil-seals and have a clean engine again.

                PS: these oil leaks started after getting caught a few times in crowded beach traffic during hottest part of summer - not good. I dont go there anymore during that time.
                Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                  I had the same problem with the radial oil
                  seal on my Gs1000L.
                  I didn't have any luck finding one.
                  I did buy a used Tensioner on ebay for $5 that was for a Gs550
                  but was the same as my 1000.
                  Bolted on .... I got lucky.. no leaky... at least for now :roll:


