Thanks to all who is willing to read this and comment on the whole think.

1. Started with choke on and goes up to 3k-4k with choke. try to take choke off or rev and she dies. I can just give it a tiny goose and she revs alittle but then will die. Seems to be able to run with choke indefinetaly.
2. First started exhaust was dark and oily for say 15+ minutes and then it has cleared up and exhaust looks fine now.
3. Started spins it seems alittle extra sometimes when it is trying to start, no grinds or anything? is this normal.
4. It looked like exhaust/smoke was coming out by where exhaust pipe 1 is connected to engine.
5. looked like exhaust/smoke was coming out from boots that connect the carbs to engine.
6. Engine seemed to get extremely hot. hot as in long after the exhaust pipe were cool it was still hot to the touch?
7. Started to backfire more and more as I ran it while trying to use throttle, no backfire when just on choke.
Notes: no air filter currently it was a soupy mess so I cleaned box and through out foam and closed box for now. sprayed some wd-40 on throttle mechanism by carbs to free throttle up a few weeks backs(could be smoke). gas tank removed am using a brand new plastic portable tank I made to make sure I had no dirty fuel issues. spark plugs probably extremely dirty due to all that startup burnoff.
Have oring kits for carbs and boots from site have not used. These orings for boots go on which boots? I do have manuals. I think that is it for now thanks for anyone who spends the time to read this lengthy mess.
I have to do this off and on so I might pop in here now and then due to kids and the fact wife is not all that keen on motorcyle idea. thanks again