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Basscliff, this one is for you...

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    Basscliff, this one is for you...

    What is the tournout for the mixture screw on my 82 850G? In the specs thread, all it says is "(Well...Maybe)".

    Fine, anyone can answer it...


      there is no right or wrong anser. Usually about two turns out puts you in the ball park


        Hi Mr. Skyboy8950,

        Please excuse me for having to work today and for being unable to hang out on the forum.

        Have you tried reading the carb spec thread sticky at the top of the Tech section? Lots of good info there.

        The general consensus is to start about 2.5 turns out. You then adjust, either using the "highest idle" method (explained on my website) or using a Morgan Colortune (I'll let you look that up). The idea is to get the most efficient combustion mixture. There are no exact settings for mixture screws like there are for cam chain timing or ignition timing.

        Thank you for your indulgence,



          Thanks... Thats what I was looking for. In the carb spec stickey, there was nothing on this model. I know about both methods to adjust, but just wondered where to start.

          Another question: Backfiring through the carbs; what causes that? I am getting some backfiring into the carbs and loss of power when at low rpms (less than 4500). I think it is just one cylinder. Thanks.


            sounds like you need to check your valve clearance if you are getting backfiring through the carb.


              Originally posted by Skyboy8950 View Post
              Another question: Backfiring through the carbs; what causes that? I am getting some backfiring into the carbs and loss of power when at low rpms (less than 4500). I think it is just one cylinder. Thanks.
              Generally attributed to a lean condition. Check your float levels when you get a chance. Are your carbs really, really, really clean? Are you still running all stock jet sizes? I've collected a lot of carb info on my site. Feel free.

              Thank you for your indulgence,



                Yup, just dipped them, cleaned them. I adjusted the floats because they were measured to the top of the bowl, not the little step down. I also adjusted the shims. This is happening with the pilot screws turned out 2 turns. I have not yet adjusted them since i got the bike running again.


                  Almost there?

                  Mr. Skyboy8950,

                  It sounds like you are very close. Keep up the good work. Maybe a little farther out on your mixture screws? It's hard to tell from here.

                  Thank you for your indulgence,



                    Yes, very close. Thanks for the help, it is appreciated.

                    It is kind of a tease because when I slam on the throttle, I get all 4 firing correctly and the bike wants to leave me behind, but when cruisin, :chug::chug:

