I have been searching, reading, and learning lots in the last couple of weeks. I want to thank the admins and editors of this site for hosting such a great wealth of knowledge, especially the stator papers.
It seems that I have a bit of a charging gremlin (told you it was a hard one!).
I have read many posts with similar symptoms, but none of the solutions seem to solve my problem. I was hoping that we could put our collective minds together and deduce a plan of attack.
-All of my ground points are clean, and show continuity. (how many ohms should i look for?)
-previous owner had the battery on a trickle charger and the battery still wouldnt store, so I replaced it. Bike started and ran great for about 3 days and then my problems returned.
-The starter and solenoid work when they are able to draw enough current.
-I can start the bike and let it idle, which leads me to believe that the problem isn't in the ignition or coils. The second I turn on the headlights, it dies. After that, there isnt enough juice to power the electric starter. (Ive become a pro at bump starting!)
-with the bike running in neutral, it will run with headlights if i keep the RPMs up around 4k. This leads me to believe that my stator is generating a charge under load.
-left rear blinker wont flash, however bulb filament and connector wires are good. Perhaps there is resistance further up the harness?
It seems to me that the bike is generating a charge and simply not storing it in the battery. I would really appreciate any input or advice as to a logical next step, as I am running out of ideas.
Thanks for reading through yet another newbie charging problem.