Actually, let me start at the beginning.
Wife's birthday, so I wanted to treat her to a ride then catch a movie. So, after Church (which I rode the bike to and from) the sitter comes to watch our daughter, then we are off on a 45+- minute ride. Get to the theater, and pick out some primo parking (ie one of those spaces that isn't a space for a car but a bike fits wonderfully in). Go in, watch the movie.. Come out, and nothing (or so it appears) Check fuses.. seem to be ok..
Fast forward to bike home and in the garage. Turn the key.. What is that.. a dim light on the dash.. Check voltage of battery.. 9.8V. Ok, seems I may have some charging issues.
Fast forward to today (finally got time to diagnose).
Printed Stator papers the other day. Take them out today and start going through.. Right from the get-go, charging system checks out OK. Well, in the interest of being thorough I go through the entire Trouble shooting flow-chart anyway. Everything checks out.. (though on one of the legs of the stator I measured just under 60VAC at 58VAC, don't know how much of an issue that will be, as I also wasn't sure I hit 5k RPM's either for long enough for the meter to register correctly).
So, the questions... Is that 58VAC on one leg of the stator going to be an issue?
In the interest of simplifying I double checked the wiring for the "odd" leg of the stator that goes to the front then right back, and since it's an 82 with the lights on all the time, is it ok to just leave that extra trip back to front out, and hook up all 3 legs directly to the R/R?
I did go through the bullet connectors for the charging system and cleaned the connections and put dielectric grease on them as well, as well as cleaning the ground connection from the R/R.
Oh, and all my tests were done with the bike fresh out of the garage, should I do the tests after a bit of riding to see if maybe it is something that only makes itself evident after riding for a time?