After reading many threads on here, I found out that my tank was the major problem. Been sitting in a garage for two years, and had all kinds of surface rust. Well, I put a new petcock on prior to cleaning, but last weekend did the new "Kleen" tank refinishing. Looks awesome!
Also, took the carbs off (thanks again for the step by step process guide). that guide is awesome for the do it yourselfer! Took them apart and cleaned all the little parts off and dipped that which I could. *(my 97 has a thick white piece in the middle that wouldn't come out - which I believe holds onto the needle jet, but not sure) Anyway, they look sharp!!
Put them back together and back on the bike and started it up. I looked back to see what the airbox side looked like, and had gas dripping out of all four! UGH! Is it possible that I messed up the new petcock that fast??? It looks good, so I don't think that is it. I dunno. From the forums on here, that's the first thing that popped into my noodle, but I"m hoping it's something that I forgot or missed. Any ideas as I'm about to go out and tear them out and apart again to look through.
Thanks again for this site. I have thoroughly shocked those here that said I couldn't do it at work and look forward to going on a ride soon (without the fuel leak).
Craig in KY
