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long time idle slow down
long time idle slow down
does anyone have any ideas what would create the idle to take so long to slow down when i rev it in neutral it does not slow down right away it takes aprox. 45 secs.- 1 min. to drop to the set idle speed, is it possible that one or both throttle cables are worn or sticking or out of adjust and it does it also when i am slowing down and coming to a stop is it normal or is it a problem because it is annoying thanks for any help i can get this is a 78 gs 750ETags: None
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
- 44512
- Brooksville Fl.
Re: long time idle slow down
With the engine not running, look at the throttle arm on the carb linkage that the cable pulls on. Without touching the throttle grip, reach underneath and see if you have any slack in the exposed portions of throttle cable. You should have two cables. One pulls the throttle open and the other pulls the throttle closed. Both cables should have a little slack in them. Also push down on the linkage to see it it goes all the way down and rests on the stop screw. If you find the linkage is working correctly, then the problem is a lean idle mixture. An idle rpm the will not come down but very slowly is an indication of a lean idle mixture.
Your idle should react normally with the air screws set to 2 turns out and the pilot screw set to 1 1/2 turns out.
I am assuming you have the airbox and filter element installed.
If all the linkages are correct, you have the air and pilot screws adjusted correctly and the airbox is as it should be, then the problem will likely be due to leaking "O" rings on the induction tubes.
Originally posted by flyboy3826does anyone have any ideas what would create the idle to take so long to slow down when i rev it in neutral it does not slow down right away it takes aprox. 45 secs.- 1 min. to drop to the set idle speed, is it possible that one or both throttle cables are worn or sticking or out of adjust and it does it also when i am slowing down and coming to a stop is it normal or is it a problem because it is annoying thanks for any help i can get this is a 78 gs 750EKomorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
- 44512
- Brooksville Fl.
Yep, synch certainly could be the problem also. The trouble with correcting problems is often the real cause is three steps away and not obvious. It gets to be a case of having to tell someone if their brake light isnt working they need to put air in their tires to fix it. :-) :-) :-)
Originally posted by skip[The last three times mine started to idle higher and taking longer to "idle down", the first thing i checked was cables and linkage like earl said, but the problem all three times was the carbs being out of sync.Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Originally posted by earlforYep, synch certainly could be the problem also. The trouble with correcting problems is often the real cause is three steps away and not obvious. It gets to be a case of having to tell someone if their brake light isnt working they need to put air in their tires to fix it. :-) :-) :-)
Originally posted by skip[The last three times mine started to idle higher and taking longer to "idle down", the first thing i checked was cables and linkage like earl said, but the problem all three times was the carbs being out of sync.
long time idle slow down
Thanks guys I will check those things I know my sync is off a little but i will check those cables, and I do not have the stock air box I have seperate filters, have recently rejetted the carbs, I am using 115 jets seems to be running nice except for the idle down, that's why I like this site so much always get the answers and one if not more than one is the problem you guys are great