I took my bike out for the first time last night after working on it for about two months. Thank you to everyone who has helped me so much to this point- this board has been a tremendous help. On the whole, the bike ran very well, and I had a great time

1)The idle speed seemed to drop after the bike heated up and when very hot, the engine would stall rather than idle. I’m running 3.5 turns out on the mixture screws (indicated as the stock setting on the carburetor settings sticky for 80-82 550 w/ CV carb). Is this an indication that the idle is set too rich? It seemed to rev/run well otherwise at temperature.
2)I was concerned about overheating because of the idling issue (concern 1) and the engine was very hot. I also thought I might have seen smoke, but it could have been dust or very hot air in front of the bike (it was dark out) at one of the stops where the engine stalled. Also, I heard some creaks from the exhaust when the ride was over. I tried a “water test” mentioned in a few places on the board. Water evaporated quickly (not a boil/spatter) when placed on the clutch cover, but would boil if placed on the cooling fins of the cylinder head. Is this okay?
I appreciate any advice,