After installing my second set of fuel o-rings and seting my air/fuel screws back to what i counted pre-cleaning (air 1 - 1 1/2 turn and fuel 1 1/2 turn, i know the specs and heard everyone's advise but wanted to go to the extreme) I fired it up this morning and to no avail it did the same thing as post cleaning. No idle except with full choke and after approx. 2 mins it stalls out and can not get it going again. Whenever i give it easy throttle it just boggs out along with full choke.
The fix, i think, i switch the petcock to prime and leave it there and almost instantly after i fire it up it stays idling!!! I had to shut off the choke and turn down the idle screw from 5k to about 2500 just to prove/show me that it will maintain that idle. And sure enough it does, YEAH!!!
After 10mins of idling i switch the petcock back to the On position and it stays idling for 2-3 mins but throttle response isn't quiet the same and it eventually stalls again. Switch back to Pri. and voila nice throttle response and idles again.
The interesting thing i did not do anything to the tank/petcock during the cleaning so i just assumed, I know what kind of trouble that will get you in, this should not be the problem.
All this aggravation for such a superficial/possibly easy fix. I have always believed in this saying but majorly overlooked it, it's the small things that make the difference.
Now i can move on to the next task to get it back on the road.