Background of the problems....purchased the bike two years ago in garage stored none running condition for about five years. $450 didn't seem like a bad deal, the side airbox cover was missing so used duct tape in attempt to seal the box. Worked well for a couple of days untill pods came in the mail. Purchsed single main jets from local bike shop, cheaper than set.
I have been faced with a few problems, I know the jetting is not right, and only getting about 50 miles per tank at about 38 mpgs. I can only use half a tank or so and 'run out of fuel.' Add fuel and it fires right up. Wondering if I can do away with the diapram petcock and go with a traditional gravity flow. (I did buy a rebuilt diaphram.) If so can I tap both sides of tank in order to use the fuel from both sides since I am only making use of 1/2 a tank.
I know switching to a gravity flow petcock will have continuous flow and will need to be shut off. I don't know why I can not make full use of the whole tank. I am just not sure how the vacum system works and if I can change it. Can someone explain or guide me in the right direction?