New battery about a month ago, and some random work. Still no spark... New plugs- nothing.
Wait for cheap coils and replacement iginition.
Plug in ignition.
This is where it gets stupid... I don't own a trickle charger. (You see where this is going?) Jumpers to bike from truck. HOLY CRAP THIS BIKE ACTUALLY RUNS! Choke all on. Try to roll throttle and rpms drop. Ok, will let sit. Remove jumpers... eventually dies. Re-try. 5k RPM on choke, still trying to let it clean itself out, leave jumpers on in case coils aren't getting enough juice to keep running. All the sudden dash lights come on real birght, and then it all goes. Main fuse blew. New fuse. No jumpers this time... no luck. Jumpers- new (used) ignitor is now smoking!

Ok so tell me this. Regulator issue? That is what I am thinking. I think it went into the second phase above 5k and too much juice went through the system spiking and burning the ignitor. Correct? The worst part is that I have another R/R I was going to put in, but that was goiung to come after it was running. I just want to get it sorted before I build an ignitor.
Yes I will buy a freaking trickle charger... (I have used jumpers a lot with luck...shhh...)