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All right, I cave, I NEED HELP

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    All right, I cave, I NEED HELP

    Hey all, Please if anyone can help, I would appreaciate it.
    Here is my problem ...................

    MY BIKE ISN"T RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well I guess that i could be more specific. Here is the problem, I have a 82 GS650 glz and I have no fire in the engine, that is no spark, in any of the cylinders.
    I can turn it over, but there is absolutly no spark, all the lights everything works, battery is great. Now a diagnostic of the bike, not done by me but the guy I bought the bike from brought it in to a shop. (see my post in gs owners to understand that one more) revieled first intermintant weak signal to the coils then none at all. The ignitor unit was replaced with a second hand one.
    Here is what I have done.
    -Plugs are fine-
    -coils, well I figure that both going at once is highly unlikely,but possible, will test them next time I am working on my bike.
    -Ignitor unit was changed with one from a bike ranch (2nd hand) but I am not sure of it so I will test this as well (by the way I know how to test it all, thanks to my Clymer's guide)
    and that's mostly what I have done.
    Now here is where you guys come in, I need opions.
    I think that it is likely to be my signal generator
    I figure (but am not sure) that if the ignitor unit was bad that the timeing would simply be off, am I right??
    I will take apart my signal generator nex time I am working on my bike
    ( I suppose I should explane that my bike is in my father's shop 45 min away from where I live, crappy yes but he has the room and every tool I could need)

    and then I plan to test the Generator,am I on the right track??
    Please I want to get this on the road before riding season is over.
    if anyone has any better inf or please do tell, and if anyone thinks I am on the right track please do tell as well.
    Thanks guys

    Sounds right.

    Signal generator

    The ignitor box is actually a signal amplifier, I don't think it would screw up the timing, it would just not send a hot enough signal to the coils.
    It has to be one, check for burned or frayed wires, a continuity tester works well for that.

    Check for good grounds and connections while your at it.

    Don't worry about the generator for now the ignition is it's own seperate system.

    Dr. Dre


      Check the voltage at the battery.

      now check it at the points, against the same ground point. Is it almost the same?

      Close the points for one coil. Check the voltage at the coil, same ground point. Still close?

      If it is pretty close (+ or - 1 volt) then you are ok there. If it is off by much, you may need to check your contacts and wiring. If it is zero at any point, you got a break somewhere. Check your engine ground and coil wiring.


        the generator I meant that I was going to test was the signal generator.
        I am hoping that is it but I have to wait until the weekend to test my theory and I am going nuts not riding, it doesn'e help that I work in the bike industry and see alot of my co-workers riding.!!!, and then working on the Trikes that we build,
        CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8O
        Soon I hope anyway, and as soon as I get it up and running and fully done I plan to post a pic on the site.
        Peace all


          Just a thought, have you checked the condition of your stator?


            How about checking the pickups for damage and wire connections?

