I have an '82 GS650E with a few lighting issues.
I didn't notice this at first, but my brake light does not work. As a running light, it operates fine, but when pressing either brake pedal the light does not get brighter. I've seen a rear light assembly in a picture and noticed that there are two bulbs (true?

I'm also missing the two front signals (thank goodness the wiring is still there), and the signals that are on the rear are aftermarkets. When using the signal switch, all that happens is the rear signals go full on, no flashing at all. My assumption (based on a developing electrical background and some common sense thinking) is that the lack of resistance due to the absence of two more bulbs must be why the system does not operate like it should. If not that, then my signal relay(s) may be fried, though I would think that would prevent the signals from working at all if that were the case. If anyone happens to know or has any advice on what to look into, that'd be great.
And one final little question: Since I don't know how the system operates when everything's normal, does the turn signal indicator on the instrument cluster flash with your signals, or does it stay steady on? As it works now, it stays steady on, but I'm not sure if that is normal or not.
Sorry for the novel of a thread. Thanks for your time.
