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My carb rebuild
Yeah, they look just like that! Sorry I only have the one set & I have to repair them. And thanks for the starting tip I will remember that!
moving right along
All four carbs are apart except for two hold out air screws, I'll get 'em !!! The float brackets were a little bent ( what was he thinkin) ?
Not cheap but if you get stuck...
To measure is to know.
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Top Newbie Mistakes thread...
Carb rebuild tutorial...
KZ750E Rebuild Thread...
moving on
Ok, the heads are gone on two of the air screws. I've made a choice to bypass them! I think that would be better than possible damage I may do. They are factory set and I never got them to move. When I dip them I will keep them above and out of the dip . Everything is below them anyway that needs cleaning.Last edited by Guest; 11-01-2008, 09:42 PM.
Originally posted by Texas View PostOk, the heads are gone n the two of the air screws. I've made a choice to bypass them! I think that would be better than possible damage I may do. They are factory set and I never got them to move. When I dip them I will keep them above and out of the dip . Everything is below them anyway.
mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
#1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
#2 son: 1980 GS1000G
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Mom's first ride
Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
(Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)
moving on
I have found other carb cleaning sources that say the air screws don't get to much dirt because they are above the float line. I think its worth the chance. Removing them again not that hard. The two I cleaned were really clean, and it ran good before it was stored.
moving on
I have found other carb cleaning sources that say the air screws don't get to much dirt because they are above the float line. I think its worth the chance. Removing them again not that hard. The two I cleaned were really clean, and it ran good before it was stored.
Originally posted by Texas View PostI have found other carb cleaning sources that say the air screws don't get to much dirt because they are above the float line. I think its worth the chance. Removing them again not that hard. The two I cleaned were really clean, and it ran good before it was stored.Larry D
1980 GS450S
1981 GS450S
2003 Heritage Softtail
main air jets
I noticed that my main air jets have a number stamped on them , I think it reads 150 but it could say 750 . this puzzles me , they are suppose to be 1.6 . Does this stamped number mean anything ? Has someone changed the jet ? Do I need to find new ones ?
Originally posted by Texas View PostI have found other carb cleaning sources that say the air screws don't get to much dirt because they are above the float line.
They actually control how much of a pre-set mixture is allowed to get to the intake throat.
The mixture is controlled by the pilot fuel screw (in the float bowl, next to the main jet) and the pilot air screw ( in the side of the carb's intake throat).
mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
#1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
#2 son: 1980 GS1000G
Family Portrait
Siblings and Spouses
Mom's first ride
Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
(Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)
carb rubber plugs ?
What do the rubber plugs inside the fuel bowl do ? Do I need to replace them ? Has anyone ever left them out ? 1981 GS 550-T
Originally posted by Texas View PostWhat do the rubber plugs inside the fuel bowl do ? Do I need to replace them ? Has anyone ever left them out ? 1981 GS 550-T
Yes, you need to replace them if they don't fit snuggly. See above for why.
Yes, I have left them out. That's how I found out what they do and how important they are.
mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
#1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
#2 son: 1980 GS1000G
Family Portrait
Siblings and Spouses
Mom's first ride
Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
(Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)