Ok, I kinda thought they were there for a reason, just thought I'd ask. Yes I'm very blessed to still be here and I. Thank God everyday I'm enjoying life!
No announcement yet.
My carb rebuild
rubber plugs
Ok, I kinda thought they were there for a reason, just thought I'd ask. Yes I'm very blessed to still be here and I. Thank God everyday I'm enjoying life!
bent float arm
The PO adjusted the floats by bending the arm of the floats. how do I now adjust the floats?
Hey Texas, it's better to use one thread, not two to ask the same questions. Regarding float height, the other thread has has your answer...and you have already seen it based on the date of your various posts in the thread.
Straighten the float arms back to flat and adjust the float height at the tab.
You also might want to fabricate a fuel level gauge like the Suzuki manual recommends using - this way you will know for a fact if the fuel level is correct now. If you don't have a manual, find Basscliff and download one there.
Good luck.Ed
To measure is to know.
Mikuni O-ring Kits For Sale...https://www.thegsresources.com/_foru...ts#post1703182
Top Newbie Mistakes thread...http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...d.php?t=171846
Carb rebuild tutorial...https://gsarchive.bwringer.com/mtsac...d_Tutorial.pdf
KZ750E Rebuild Thread...http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...0-Resurrection
double post
Yeah, ok sorry about that. Did not see a answer in the other post, just checked, still don't. I guess I was over anxious for the answer. Which I thank you for.
Wow it started !
Finished the rebuild replaced o-rings , two floats , intake o-rings , fixed air box , carb dip , bench sync and new gas lines. And even though it should have started I was still shocked that it did.
Running fine
Well I've rode my 1981 GS 550T 5 miles I've adjusted the master idle and i'm very pleased with it so far. I think that my decision to forgo the removal of the two stuck air screws has proven to be correct . The air screws were still set at the factory setting and I actually matched the other two air screws that I did remove to the same setting by matching the depth my cleaning tool would reach inside the air hole thats inside the carb & below the air screw. All the major circuits were cleaned by dipping up to the air screw thus keeping the rubber o-ring that is on the bottom of the air screw out of the dip. To me this was a better path than destroying the threads or the side of the carb or possibly the complete carb trying to remove them.
I'm a little late on this, but yes, you need the rubber plugs. I read everything I could about rebuilding my gs550t carbs but missed that important concept. I pulled them more times than I care to admit before finally figuring out the problem.
Now you need to synch the carbs. Not hard, just need the proper tool. You'll be amazed how much better the bike runs after synching.
BTW I sent you a PM
stuck air screws / no problem
Ok, put quite a few miles on my carb rebuild. Shes running great! the air screws that were stuck were no problem. I decided to leave them alone and it worked out to be right. Don't hurry to destroy your carb threads, try this first!!!