Background: I own an 82 GS850G with the CV carbs. I have done all the cleaning, dipping, colortuneing and o ring replacement on my carbs and have done the valves and several synchs. The bike runs well. Plugs are the color they should be..tan. I have put 4000 miles on the bike since May of this year. Bone stock.
2 weeks ago I purchased a 79 GS850G with the VM carbs. I and other KC Gsers have been working to get this bike running doing the same things as stated above. It is running very nicely now and has the stock airbox and a V&H 4 into one on it. I believe the jets are stock as well.
After riding both bikes, I have found that the 79 has better throttle response in the lower rpm ranges. The power just comes on smoother and the engine revs easier than the 82 with Cv's. Very crisp feeling all through the rev range. I thought this might be the pipe freeing things up and smoothing things out.
For comparison I rode another 79 850G that is stock and in good tune, and the same thing was true of the smoothness and eagerness to rev. Crisp as well. Kind of stifles the pipe theory.

My question to other Gs riders that may have had expirience with same model bikes, different carbs is "Am I expiriencing a difference in the way the carbs affect the performance or do I have a tuning/carb problem that needs to be addressed?"

Opinions appreciated and ideas considered.