Is there a site you fellas use to post pics here? Can't seem to post them directly from my machine, so.. Yeah.
On two of my carbs the float pins go in easy and smooth.
On the other two they don't. They'll go if you armstrong them, but the floats will be stuck. They go in through the first post (right or left, doesn't matter), but won't slide in to the second. Again, from which side you start makes no difference. Jiggling, wriggling, etc. Produces no result.
3&4 acted this way before the cleaning. Now they are smooth and 1&2 are the offenders.
This problem defies all logic and reason. Nothing has changed as pertains to the float pins, bowl assemblies or posts. Haven't dropped them, haven't hammered them, even despite my frustration, which is now at a level that could be described as dangerous to the general public.
These carbs have me all ****ed off. Anyone have experience with float pins that have a mind of their own?
I've already taken a fine file and removed any burring resulting from removing them with a centerpunch (even though logic decrees that couldn't really be the problem anyway, see the difference between 3/4 and 1/2 above; have not switched parts around, all parts stay with their corresponding homes, just like an engine teardown)
If anyone has any advice, however mere, please post. Or failing that, provide me a link to a manufacturer of quality straight jackets.