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Good job! Glad you got it going. Now I suppose i should take a cue from you and get to fixin' my own!
Greetings and Salutations!
Hi Mr. NES07DEZ,
Welcome to the forum. Please click here to receive your meta-welcome, chock full of suggestions and links to vendors and other information. Then feel free to visit my little BikeCliff website where you'll find lots of GS850G lovin'. Thanks for joining us. We like pictures. Not you, your bike!
Thank you for your indulgence,
Hello All. How do I change the air filter.
Please be specific. i am new to this and i dont khow what the hell i am doing . the tech cable was my first little project so i need to do all basic maitnence on the bike eve do the bike is in excellent shape.you can see the pics on my profile. Thanks for the help!
Step one, get yourself a manual.
You can probably download one from Basscliff's website. ( http://members.dslextreme.com/users/bikecliff/ )
Step two, read zee manual, buddy !
After reading the first couple of chapters, you'll be worlds wiser, and you'll be able to build confidence in what you're doing.
Step three, read Basscliff's megawelcome he posted earlier in this thread. It will cover some of the things the manual doesn't.
If you come to a stumbling block, let us know.
Before you know it you'll be checking valve clearances.
So far as your air filter:
You can probably just clean it rather than replacing it, unless it is deteriorating and crumbly. (See the manual for specifics on air filter element cleaning.)Last edited by Guest; 11-21-2008, 11:57 AM. Reason: No one dances when sober unless they are insane.
I've got the same bike that you have. I also have a pdf of the service manual. I'll see if I can get it online for you somewhere.
PM sent. Once you open it from the site you need to save it. I will then remove it once you let me know you have it.
The GS850G manual on my site (155MB PDF file) contains all the supplements for all the years and models imported to the US.
To change your air filter, remove the left cover of your airbox, remove the old filter, insert the new one. Take a look at the "Airbox Sealing" pictorial (link on my site) to get an idea of what it looks like. The procedure will be in the manual too. It's not hard at all.
EDIT: On second thought, on some models the airbox opens on the right side. There may be a screw holding the air filter cage or there may be a little lock tab that you press to remove. You'll see it once you get in there. Get a washable/reusable Uni filter or K&N filter.
You may have to install some weatherstripping on the sides of the airbox and on top of the filter cage in order to seal up the airbox from air leaks.
Thank you for your indulgence,
BassCliffLast edited by Guest; 11-21-2008, 03:35 PM.
thanks mj and basscliff.
M J i am on my girlfriends computer. i will download when i get home tomorrow morning.
Originally posted by NES07DEZ View Posti Just Got a 1982 Gs 850 L for $800.
My tech =odomer is not working what do i do.
thanks.) The manual will help you in a BILLION ways, and generally they have good pics and explain things pretty precisely. Second, you'll find the general list of maintenance proceedures will be a common answer. This includes:
Valve clearance check and adjustment (this is a MUST DO)
Electrical contacts, clean, replace, repair
Do your carbs need cleaned? Usually, if the bike has sat for more than a few weeks, its a good idea to tear em down, dip them, and replace all the internal rubber orings.
Also, since your bike is an 82 and a shaftie, the rear hub drive spline is somewhat suspect (dont worry, it came that way from the factory) and it would be a good idea to replace it at some point, before it strips out on you somewhere in the middle of nowhere, say, somewhere in the middle of BFE Kentucky, in the middle of the summer, with no cellphone signal....ask me how i know about THAT...hehehe