I got a compression tester the other day so I decided to go ahead and test the compression so going 4-1 I get 115-115-120-90

Now here's where I'm getting confused. When I was taking the spark plugs out I was a little surprised that the plugs weren't wet with gas and I didn't smell any. Until I got to the number 1 cylinder (you know the one with the low compression and I would presume low vacuum as well). To further confuse me I notice the #1 exhaust is warm so that one is actually firing. The three others are cold.
In the process I took the carbs apart and soaked them, new o-rings and new o-rings on the intake boots. I did the same procedure on each carb, except, I could not get the pilot jets out in #2-#4, however, I sprayed carb cleaner up through them and it came out in the carb throat (is that correct terminology?). As I'm typing this I'm thinking maybe I just answered my own question as I just recalled the issue with the pilot jets. Although, even if I fully open the throttle I'm not getting any gas in the 2-4 cylinders.
Anyway, I'm confused as to what to do next, other than get a new coil, which will only solve one problem. Any insight would be appreciated.