Now for the facts..
Bottom end, including oil pump, bought on ebay for $1. Visual inspection found things to look good, however the pump wasn't actually checked (didn't know why the engine had been parted to begin with). One of our thoughts was perhaps the oil pump went bad, and the engine was destroyed from oil starvation.
That being said, I have a couple of spare pumps that I am going to check out then install as long as they are in spec according to the manuals.
Now for the question.. One other thought is perhaps a blockage in one of the internal passages? So, does anyone know (I haven't fully examined the manuals for this yet either, though I don't recall it being in there) of a diagram which shows all the oil passages and where they lead? Something similar to how they have the diagrams of the carbs and show their function would be nice so I can be sure I"m checking all the passages at least visually.
I really don't want to do this job more than once.. so I'm thinking if I can get a diagram to show the passages, I can examine them at the same time I'm replacing the pump, that way I can rule a blockage out as well.