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    It has a low and a drive shift position, but i only ever use the drive. It works just like an automatic car except that it's a torque converter like on a snow machine. I never uderstood why they never became popular.


      If I had to guess why they didn't catch on, I'd say it was because people who wanted automatics just got scooters. If you are intimidated by the idea of a standard transmission, then the idea of riding a 'big, powerful, dangerous' motorbike would probably be even more intimidating. Scooters on the other hand cute little things that even my grandmother wouldn't think twice about hopping on and taking for a spin.

      I can actually see a modern version of it coming back as an option on some of the really big touring bikes like the Goldwing. Afterall, it sounds cool, it can be marketed as an added luxury item, it might help sway rich boomers who think bikes are cool (but never got one) to part with their cash, and it wouldn't fall into the 'it's for newbies' catagory which is the kiss of death in North America.



        I read an artyicle last year i think saying that Honda had a fully auyomaic transmission under construction for release at some later date. I dont remember any details though.


          It seems like I remember Polaris introducing an auto when they first started that Victory line, then they trashed it due to lack of interest. I can't imagine an automatic bike selling too well in the US. We have kind of a macho thing going here, you know. I know I feel pretty macho in my little Nissan Sentra with my bad-a** 5speed and 110 HP! Ya know, my '94 GSXR1100 I used to have had 128HP at the back wheel, and weighed about 2300lbs less than the Nissan. Cars bite. Even my old 850G rocks the Nissan.

