First off, #1 wasn't firing, but 2, 3, & 4 were. The plug was wet with gas. I checked for spark and it was there. I left for a while.
When I came back, #2,3 where the only ones firing. I swapped coils and now #1,4 were firing, but not 2,3. I swapped back and 2,3 were once again firing, but not 1,4. So, I figured I had a bad coil.
This is where I get confused. I decided to check the plug wire boots. The wires were fairly corroded where the boot connects. I cleaned them up and put them back on. 1,4 now fires. BUT for some strange reason 2,3 are not firing anymore. They were firing fine until I cleaned I cleaned 1,4.
2,3 still has spark. Nice big blue spark. I can unplug 2,3 and the bike still runs on 1,4, but not vice versa.
Also, I am getting random backfires.
The coils and everything are normalized. I am 100% percent positive. I never unbolted the coils just swapped wires. I know it is properly normalized because the wires have to stretch to reach the other coil when swapped. The plug wires are numbered, so they aren't mixed up either.
My problem moved coils, and I don't know why. If this is confusing let me know and I will try to reword it.