Without modifications, these old bike need to use as close to stock tire sizes as possible. The tires I use are a little wider than "original stock" because tires aren't really made in those sizes any more. You have to get either a little smaller or a little bigger than original. But you can't go too big because the rim is not wide enough for wider tires and pinching the tread will lead to handling and wear irregularities.
I think the most popular size for a front tire on 650cc or larger GS bikes is a 100/90. I use a 110/90 just to make Mr. bwringer mad.

From what I've gathered from others it seems the most popular rear tire size is a 120/90 for 750cc and smaller, 130/90 for 850cc and larger. I imagine there are a few who use a 140/90 on the rear, if the swingarm has clearance.
Smaller bikes (550cc or less) will usually use 90/90 on front and 110/90 on the rear.
But again, let us know what bike you are riding to make it easier to recommend tire sizes.
EDIT: I just went through your old posts and it seems you ride an '85 700E. Put that in your sig to make it more convenient. What size are your wheels? I have a notion that you should use a 100/90 on front and 120/90 on the rear. Let's see if the other 700 riders will chime in.
Thank you for your indulgence,