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Valve cover help

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    Valve cover help

    Ok, I know this is probably here somewhere, but you guys are faster.

    83' 750T TSCC motor, atempting to remove vave cover. it's all loose moves around, something under it is holding it still... What?

    I haven't forced it or anything, can't afford to break anything. I'm in it now and don't know when I'll have the time again, as I work all over the country...

    Any help please and thank you...

    Hi Mr. Spyder,

    On my bike (8-valve) I have to remove the horns. I have to remove the breather cover first, then wiggle the valve cover over and around the cam chain and sprocket assembly. It's a tight fit.

    Thank you for your indulgence,



      Basscliff, My man...

      This is a 16 valve, and like I said, it's very loose but it's being held up by somthing. It feels like i'm bending something underneath. I just don't want to bend or break anything. should I apply mor pressure?

      Is there any one with more experience with 16 vavers???

      And I did remove the tach gear...


        Could possibly be the drive gear for the tachometer holding you up if it is not removed. Not sure but that is the only thing I can see that might be holding on in the parts fiche.


          ok, I got it off, guess I don't have to be scso afraid of this task...

          Now what do I use to messure vave clearance? 16 valve engines do not have shims but adjuster screws and stop nuts...

          Again thanks guys...


            Hi Mr. Spyder,

            Hmmmm. I see 24 bolts and 4 screws on the valve cover and breather cover. There are also 2 dowel pins in the valve cover. Are they all accounted for?

            You're not dealing with a stuck gasket, right? Do I see a couple of screws under the breather cover? Nope, I think that's the cam chain pulley.

            OK. I'll shut up now. You can tell I'm not very busy at work today.

            Thank you for your indulgence,



              Yes, there was some gasket stuck, and yes I screwed it up.

              But I know some trick to repair that. The hang up was the chain guide. all good with that...

              .013 clearance???


                Hi Mr. Spyder,

                A little excerpt from my website, thanks to a generous contributor:

                Valve Adjustment for 16 Valve Motors
                (by Mr. basic)

                .08mm-.13mm is the range.

                Thank you for your indulgence,



                  Spyder ,
                  Check out BC's web site there is a Suzuki manual for a 1983 GS750es should be close enough for a lot of what you are doing.



                    Wow! that's not much of a gap. Mine are quite a bit looser than than that.

                    Thanks again Basscliff... You ARE the man...


                      Hi Mr. Spyder,

                      I sometimes run mine on the loose side. For the 8-valve the range is .03-.08mm. If I don't want to have a valve at .04, then I'll pop in then next smaller shim and let it run at .09 or .1mm.

                      But I don't know how loose you can run the 16-valve motors. I would suspect they need to be nearer to spec. I don't own a 16-valve GS...., yet.

                      I seem to recall reading that the 8-valve motor valve clearances tend to tighten up and the 16-valve motor tends to loosen up. Does anyone else recall that?

                      Thank you for your indulgence,

                      Last edited by Guest; 03-12-2009, 08:23 PM.


                        In US Standard measurements your valve clearance should be .004-.006 inch. Ray.

