The Canadian 1984 GS 750 I bought a couple of years ago had the similar adjustment cable break where it connects to the lower portion of the shock. Innner cable was fine, just the outer cover was cracked and had broken open. Remove complete cable, then remove the inner cable, get everthing cleaned up, lubed, and put it back together. Billy Ricks' repair description is very similar to what I did. The little platic gear found at the adjuster end strips out eventually as once the inner cable becomes "grunged" up within the outer cable it becomes more difficult for the little plastic gear to turn that cable. You and I both know what the gear comes out looking like when this occurs.
I need to mention though, that when I got the bike I pretty much took the rear end/suspension all apart. I was curious to see how all those connections on the rear suspension looked after all those years. There was no wear that I could see on all the needle bearings contained in all the pivots but they were very dry. There wasn't much grease left in there..........I would assume Suzuki would have included a bit of grease in the bearings back at the factory. So I cleaned everthing and added some fresh grease to the bearings and put everything back together. I'm sure it made a difference in how all the pivots worked. There had been a slight squeaking sound in the rear suspension before taking it was now gone. My point is that all the needle bearings found in all the pivots needed some attention. There is a lot of work involved taking it all apart but to me it was worth the effort.