I feel if i can get things fixed with this sites help then others especially new to riding like me won't have to go through as much frustration and give up so easily.
I think it's easy to take for granted how much you know about something like those more experienced, you often tend to forget how something so minor to you now was such a big deal when you first started learning.
I would hate to lose that humility and forget that last year i knew nothing about GS's, i was just lucky and stumbled onto an exceptional site whose greatest asset are the members who graciously give of their time, experience and patience to help those of us whose ignorance can try the nerves and patience of even a saint.
To paraphrase Braveheart,
Sometimes you think to yourself..........
"The problems with an old bike are too many."
I see before me an army of GS'ers in defiance of neglected GS's.
You have all come to this site as free men/women. Free you are.
What will do you without this site, WITHOUT freedom ?
Will you fight?
You think to yourself "fight against the varnish build up, and weak ignition, poor starting, rough running and no idle? "
" I can run, run away from these carb and ignition related problems and sell the bike for parts "
Aye, you can run, and live......for at least awhile.
Try to fix it, and you may fail.
But years from now dying on your beds many years from now,
Would you be willing to to trade all the days from this day till that,? for one chance to come back here and tell that PO, that he may take your enthusiam;