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Ground Loops

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    Originally posted by posplayr View Post
    But that is exactly how Suzuki designed the system.

    The resistance generally occurs in the contacts and substantial losses are not in the wire.

    The OEM harness seems to be sized for the 12 amp supply currents. It is the connections that give most of the issues.

    Actually Suzuki does not tie each return to the frame. There are very few tie points to the frame.

    I agree the connections give the most issues. That's nothing new for any piece of machinery. Corrosion is your worst enemy.

    I also agree that there is greater resistance at the connectors than the wire. It seems moot however, since I don't know how to design a system without connectors or connection points that use terminals.



      Originally posted by reddirtrider View Post
      It was mentioned earlier that there is a 2 amp charging current returning from the battery to the RR. I was curious if you actually measured a positive voltage drop from the battery terminal negative post to the RR.
      Yes I can even see the polarity reversal as a function of engine speed. It is hard to keep this voltage below 0.25V at 4000 RPM. It wants to get closer to 0.5V at 4K and if it gets to 0.75V then you have significant loss in charging capacity as the max voltage to the battery will likely drop below 13V.

      I have posted to threads that this parasitic resistance on the R/R (+) to Batt (+) can be used as an indicator to show if charging is occurring. If the R/R is producing current there has to be a forward drop across it.

      These points I'm bringing up are a problem in the current stator pages as they simply look for a 0.2V difference at idle when the issue really manifests it self at RPM when current is flowing.




        Originally posted by reddirtrider View Post
        Actually Suzuki does not tie each return to the frame. There are very few tie points to the frame..
        OK i double checked, The R/R(-) is tied to the frame ground in the schematics. Many of the other grounds are engine grounds. Don't have it here but there are frame grounds for tail lights for example.

        Originally posted by reddirtrider View Post
        I also agree that there is greater resistance at the connectors than the wire. It seems moot however, since I don't know how to design a system without connectors or connection points that use terminals.

        Well there are alternatives to power and grounding that reduce the sensitivity to corrosion . That has been the point of my thread; so I dont think it is mute.



          Originally posted by posplayr View Post
          Well there are alternatives to power and grounding that reduce the sensitivity to corrosion . That has been the point of my thread; so I dont think it is mute.

          I must have missxed it. Can you elaborate more on a grounding scheme that reduces the sensitivity to corrosion.



            Originally posted by reddirtrider View Post
            I must have missxed it. Can you elaborate more on a grounding scheme that reduces the sensitivity to corrosion.
            From post #9


            So what this analysis suggests is that:

            1.) The R/R (-) should be SOLIDLY connected to frame ground.
            This avoids current sharing between the 2A charging current returning from the battery and the 10A load returns. By having the R/R grounded the voltage sensitivity to resistance between the R/R (-) and the Battery (-) is 1/6 (i.e. 2A v.s. 12A)

            2.) The battery should NOT be connected to frame ground.
            This causes current sharing as described above in 1.)

            If there is not strap between the R/R (-) and the battery (-) as Suzuki delivered the GS, then all current return paths have to go through the frame ground to the R/R (-) as indicated by the factory schematic. There is no other path.

            If an additional wire is added between the R/R (-) and the battery (-) to improve regulation of the R/R, then it is important to maintain the R/R (-) frame ground to avoid mixing charging current returns from the battery with load current returns sneaking through the motor mounts and starter ground strap.

            If the ground strap is not there and you loose connectivity of the R/R (-) ground then the R/R will smoke as it tries to shunt all of the stator power.



              this thread is getting way to heavy.
              what you are all saying is make sure all the earth connections are good........
              is that right?
              1978 GS1085.

              Just remember, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion!


                Originally posted by posplayr View Post
                From post #9

                If there is not strap between the R/R (-) and the battery (-) as Suzuki delivered the GS, then all current return paths have to go through the frame ground to the R/R (-) as indicated by the factory schematic. There is no other path.

                If an additional wire is added between the R/R (-) and the battery (-) to improve regulation of the R/R, then it is important to maintain the R/R (-) frame ground to avoid mixing charging current returns from the battery with load current returns sneaking through the motor mounts and starter ground strap.

                If the ground strap is not there and you loose connectivity of the R/R (-) ground then the R/R will smoke as it tries to shunt all of the stator power.

                From what I've read you added another path to ground from the RR negative. I'm confused as to why that reduces the sensitivity to corrosion when it can corrode also. I'm also confused as to why you're tring to eliminate sneak paths, yet add another.

                I'll bow out of this discussion since I'm not following the logic. I'm obviously not up to the task.


                  Simple as it gets

                  Originally posted by Agemax View Post
                  this thread is getting way to heavy.
                  what you are all saying is make sure all the earth connections are good........
                  is that right?


                  So what this analysis suggests is that:

                  1.) The R/R (-) should be SOLIDLY connected to frame ground.

                  This avoids current sharing between the 2A charging current returning from the battery and the 10A load returns. By having the R/R grounded the voltage sensitivity to resistance between the R/R (-) and the Battery (-) is 1/6 (i.e. 2A v.s. 12A)

                  2.) The battery should NOT be connected to frame ground.
                  This causes current sharing as described above in 1.)


                    Originally posted by Agemax View Post
                    this thread is getting way to heavy.
                    what you are all saying is make sure all the earth connections are good........
                    is that right?
                    Last post from me - I'm not sure what anyone else is trying to say, but that's what I would recommend. All connections.


                      Originally posted by posplayr View Post

                      So what this analysis suggests is that:

                      1.) The R/R (-) should be SOLIDLY connected to frame ground.
                      This avoids current sharing between the 2A charging current returning from the battery and the 10A load returns. By having the R/R grounded the voltage sensitivity to resistance between the R/R (-) and the Battery (-) is 1/6 (i.e. 2A v.s. 12A)

                      2.) The battery should NOT be connected to frame ground.
                      This causes current sharing as described above in 1.)
                      so the battery should be connected to where? the crank case as standard or where? surely they are all connected so i am confused now!
                      1978 GS1085.

                      Just remember, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion!


                        Originally posted by posplayr View Post

                        2.) The battery should NOT be connected to frame ground.
                        This causes current sharing as described above in 1.)
                        This statement disguised as fact is confusing the hell out of people. It also does not make sense as the frame and engine are essentially the same as far as ground is concerned.

                        It leaves some to wonder where to connect their negative lead from the battery. Here is a suggested change to the Summary

                        2.)Connect the battery through a large , 8 gauge black wire to the engine. There is usually a bolt in the middle of the transmission at the rear for this purpose. If yours is already connected there, ensure it is a clean connection and not corroded.

                        Is that better?
                        1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
                        1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely


                          Originally posted by Agemax View Post
                          so the battery should be connected to where? the crank case as standard or where? surely they are all connected so i am confused now!

                          The negative terminal of the battery needs to be connected to the crankcase for the sake of the starter. It is momentary, but draws the most current of any circuit on the bike. It needs that big ground strap connected directly to the (-) battery terminal, it's the shortest path.

                          I haven't moved my r/r ground yet. When I do, I'll report back any measurements and observations.

                          "The new oil thread." Heheh! I like it!

                          Thank you for your indulgence,




                            Originally posted by duaneage View Post
                            This statement disguised as fact is confusing the hell out of people. It also does not make sense as the frame and engine are essentially the same as far as ground is concerned.

                            It leaves some to wonder where to connect their negative lead from the battery. Here is a suggested change to the Summary

                            2.)Connect the battery through a large , 8 gauge black wire to the engine. There is usually a bolt in the middle of the transmission at the rear for this purpose. If yours is already connected there, ensure it is a clean connection and not corroded.

                            Is that better?

                            If you refer to the Suzuki Schematics there are two different symbols for grounds. Below is a Katana schematic. If I write ground to a frame, I don't mean to a engine or to a negative terminal of a battery. Frame ground means attach to a solid part of the frame.

                            frame and engine are essentially the same

                            Given the discussion one could hardly be justified in making this totally unqualified statement.

                            If I say no frame ground, that is all it means don't tie the batt (-) to the frame. That doesn't mean to remove an engine ground strap for an engine ground no more than inferring you should remove the remove your head lamp because I did not mention headlamps either..

                            This statement disguised as fact is

                            This statement is worth drawing out into the light.

                            My summary statements were listed as a summary and conclusion from performing an analysis. Some of us seem to be having difficulty reading and comprehending the English language. No where did I state that this was fact. The supposition that it is masquerading as fact ignores the entire analytic context of the statement.

                            I will try to politely respond to your statements, but please provide the courtesy of at least reading and understanding what is written before launching unprepared attacks.



                              Originally posted by posplayr View Post

                              I will try to politely respond to your statements, but please provide the courtesy of at least reading and understanding what is written before launching unprepared attacks.

                              OK Jim, you win. You handle all the questions from now on.
                              1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
                              1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely


                                So whose causing the confusion

                                Originally posted by duaneage View Post
                                OK Jim, you win. You handle all the questions from now on.
                                You give up so eazy

                                Well when you confuse theory with fact and can't address fact I guess I can understand why.

                                This thread has attempted to lay bare the grounding and power theory of GS charging operation.

                                If the thread goes silent, I'll understand.


