I have completed a VM carb rebuild as per Paul Musser’s tutorial from BikeCliff’s website. I was pretty meticulous with the rebuild and am fairly confident that I have done it correctly. The bike is running now, but seems to lack the power that I would expect, though I lack experience with bikes this large. I have adjusted the carbs for high idle, again per instructions on Bike Cliff’s website and currently have the idle set at about 1000 rpm’s. Idle is smooth but the bike seems to me to need quite a bit of throttle to roll out in first gear, maybe a third to a half turn on the throttle.
Bike accelerates fairly smoothly through all gears I’ve had it up to 80 MPH or so. It seems that if I am tooling around at 2500-3500 RPM’s there is some fluctuation and muffled sputtering or popping unless I take it up to higher RPM’s. Also the bike generally returns to idle well but occasionally throttles down to about 1300-1400 rpm's then settles slowly down to 1000. Again it seems to me that throttle response and power should be greater than what I am seeing from a muscle bike. I have not yet had the carbs balanced with a sync machine of any sort, more on that later. Also I seem to be getting only about 20+ MPG and thought I would be getting much better economy than that.
Initial setup of the carbs was done with the pilot fuel screws lightly seated, then turned out to one and a half turns on the recommendation of a local shop. The side air screws were started at 2 turns out and then adjusted for high idle.
While rebuilding the carbs I found that the pilot fuel screw on carb #3 had the tip broken off and lodge into its orifice. After many hours with sewing needles and piano wire I finally dislodged that tip and replaced the needle. I am certain that the orifice was slightly enlarged during this procedure. This is evidenced by the fact that when seated and backed out 1 ½ turns that screw is visibly deeper set than those in the other 3 carbs.
Any suggestions based on what you have just read would be appreciated.
I am also looking for advice on my next steps.
Carbs have been rebuilt with all new ‘O’ rings, super well cleaned, new intake boots, new vacuum lines and vent hoses. Also rebuilt petcock and fuel lines. Lacking the funds for carb syncing at the local shop, I have decided to build my own sync tool, per some nifty instructions I found online. Assuming that it works, here are my questions:
Do the sync tubes connect to the ports just forward of the intake boots on the head? (I assume they are not connected to the vacuum ports on the carb bodies as only 3 of the carbs are so equipped.) Also, does anyone have any recommendations as to where I can find vacuum port nipples to replace the hex head screws that are currently plugging those holes?
Is my assumption correct that the pilot fuel screws which are adjusted under the float bowls will be used to adjust my low idle balance? Will the effect of adjusting those needles be shown on my sync tool?
Will the side air screw adjustment be reflected in my sync tool?
Is adjustment of the slides which is done from the top of the bodies with the lids removed reflected in the sync tool?
At what RPM’s should each of these adjustments be made?
I realize that these questions may show that my understanding of this process is way off base but I’m sure that someone here can straighten me out. I’ve done most of the reading that I can find through GS resources and other sites and I think I’m just not finding explanations written in a way that I need to hear it.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions, I’ll be sure and let you know how it goes.
P.S. I have also been considering attempting the plug chop method, but using a carb sync tool seems more straight forward to me.