Anyhoo, I've taken numerous pics before I begin anything. The bike is generally in very good shape and is 100% complete (or close enough anyway). I'm going to strip it to bits and repaint the entire thing. The rear shaft needs work and it needs tyres etc anyway. The lump will remain intact providing it doesn't have any nasty noises when I get it running. The PO had it running a week ago (apparently) and offered to get it running for me when I picked it up. I didn't worry because the battery is rooted (Aussie slang) and it would have taken too long.
I should have it running in the next week or so and once I've heard it fire I'll pull it apart. I'm going to take my time with this since these aren't a very common bike anymore. I'll keep this thread going as I progress.
Here's the obligatory (before) pics -

This is her as she sits ATM. Not bad condition but she needs some love.

The 'lump' needs a good clean up. Not sure if I'll go for clean look or repainted yet. Either way it will be stripped of black paint and put through the blasting cabinet. I'll decide once it's stripped.
Oh yeah, when looking at the pics, keep in mind that we use the proper date system down here.
