Onto the questions:
Rear Brakes
I had a tough time getting the pads out of the caliper, turns out that there were no shims in there at all and the brake pad was stuck to the caliper with rust!
- What damage might have occured and how can i check for and resolve any issues? Or should I just clean the calipers with brake cleaner?
- Are replacement shims available with new pads?
The pads seemed a little crumbly too, there was plenty thickness to them but they were quite grooved, and the rotor also is grooved, not deep but enough to see and feel.
- should i get it turned or replaced or is it ok?
pics for reference
rusty pads, you can see where the pistons were stuck to it
and a look in the caliper
crumbly, groovy brake pads
grooved rotor
Front Brakes
Again, no shims or spacer pad - just the brake pads themselves... are replacement shims and spacers available or should i not worry?
Do brake pads have to be replaced in pairs?
Should I replace both front calipers together?
Brake Switch
It's garbage and one of the screws snapped off while still in the lever/MC housing - guess its time to get a hydraulic one, which i guess will go nicely with the braided steel lines i'm planning on making/installing (guess i'm gonna rush the order through sooner than i thought)...
- When/why would I replace the master cylinder? Is it something I should consider while giving the brakes this overhaul?
- What about the rear (MC and lines) ?
Once this is done that'll be the brakes and oil/filter checked off the list of 'things to learn how to do' - I'm on my way to knowing how to care for my GS myself!
Thanks again, and in advance, for all the help in making me a more knowledge, skilled and responsible owner.