At the end of last season I went through my bike and prepped it for winter storage. I ran the engine with Fuel Stabilizer in the tank for about a half hour. Drained the Fuel from the tank, Pulled the plugs and poured about a tablespoon of oil into each and tried to turn it over (without fuel) to lube the piston seals. I took the tank off, and did some modifications to the body, but never did anything to the engine except Change the Clutch cable.
Now, I have put the bike back together, Put the tank on, put some fuel in it, and then let the fuel get into the carbs by putting on Prime. I started the bike with Choke on, and it idles normal. It doesn’t idle High with the choke on like it should. I try giving it gas and it stalls out. no matter HOW slow I turn the throttle.
I didn’t mess with any of the carb Settings over the winter. I didn’t mess with any of the other components of the engine either. I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell is wrong. Could it just be bad gas? Do I need to adjust my Idle Screw? And if so, why would that change if I never touched it?
I changed my clutch cable because the casing was cracked and showing through to the cable itself. It also seemed to need an adjustment because when I release the clutch it was not a smooth take off. It seemed to grab a little at first then all at once at the end. I put it on, routed it correctly, and went through the adjustment procedure as stated in the Maintenance manual found on BassCliff’s website (Thanks man!) Nothing seems to be binding anywhere. Now, It still grabs a little at first when released but all at once near the end. AND, with the clutch pulled all the way in, I noticed that it still catches... Perhaps I need to bring back the Clutch Adjustment screw behind the Clutch adjustment cover a bit more? Any words of advice on this problem?
If anyone can give me a hand, I would really appreciate it. This forum is full of very smart people. I have really relied on this forum all winter for help with this bike. I am sure I will get the right help here. Thanks in advance!