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gs 850 won't run past 2200 rpms

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    gs 850 won't run past 2200 rpms

    Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I'm new to this whole motorcycle addiction, but this one shouldn't be this hard. I have an 1981 gs850l, and it starts but does not run past 2200 rpms. I checked the barrels in the venturi and have the carbs set at manual recomendations before being synced. IN order to start the bike i have to have the choke pulled full,and then it will fire, and run up until 2200 rpms, sometimes back fire, and die. Also any aggressive throttle movements and you find instantaneous dead engine. What's my problem, is it just carb synchronizing? help please.

    Have you opened up the carbs taken out the main jet and looked for crud in the main jet, as well as the needle jet? It sounds like they're clogged up. Carb sync mostly effects idle, so it's probably not that.


      Are you running it with the air box??? will not run right without it


        Exactly what my bike did until I cleaned carbs. After that bingo! Bike doesn't run worth crap with airbox and filter off. 8)

