Sofar I've replaced the intake o-rings, replaced the airbox-to-carb boots, cleaned the carbs thoroughly, done a valve adjustment, got new spark plugs, and got a new petcock.
I just now got in my first few days of real riding and it's a lot of fun. The only thing is, my bike has a major missfire/bogging down/flat spot problem. Here's the gist of it:
At 50 KPH in third gear holding a steady cruise, I can feel the bike misfire now and then. When it does this, it slows down and then speeds up quickly. Very annoying.
Then at 80 KPH at around 4500 RPM, the bike will bog down and slow down if I give it gas, but after a couple seconds it will pick the RPM's up, slowly. If I go full throttle it doesn't bog, but it doesn't accelerate as fast as it should.
What's it sound like? Fuel delivery? Ignition? I checked the plugs and they looked perfect - no pitting or bright white or anything, just peachy. It feels like it's running out of gas. If I do a 0-100 KPH run, it'll do it just fine. Accelerating around town is fine. It's just higher speeds and cruising. It idles really well and with no load (IE neutral) it revs just fine.
Fuel cap creating too much vacuum?
Carbs plugged even though I cleaned them out twice?
Air leak? (doubtful, I don't see where it could leak from to cause a problem this dramatic)