I've cleaned the carbs several times. Float Bowl hieght has been set and checked numerous times, complete carb rebuild kit (proper size), new intake orings, new airbox boots and clamps, new petcock, valves have been adjusted, new valve seals, valves have been lapped and seated, new exhaust seals, relay mod, spark plug caps, stator paper tests all pass.
The bike starts at the touch of the starter button, the only problem is that it doesn't idle real smooth and exhaust pipe 1 doesn't get hot as fast. Once it starts to get warm I can hear it try to smooth out when cylinder 1 starts to fire. If I take it out on the road it runs like a champ, better than it ever had before I did all this work. When I get back home it idles way too high and all cylinders are firing. If I shut it down and check the plugs they are all a nice light brown.
I'll admit that when I did the carb rebuild, having never done it before I didn't realize that the float bowls had a small orifice in it. I believe that I may have opened up the orifice on carb 1 float bowl. It may be getting too much fuel while idling. Does this make sense? If I pull the plug for cylinder 1 after letting it idle for a bit then it's black.
If I need a float bowl does anyone have one for a BS32 they could part with?
I feel that I'm very close to having this bike back in service!
Best Regards to all;