Unless you looked it up, im not possitive the 180 WAS the stock pilot airjet. Bill swears up and down they're 160s, and so have a couple of other people. But BOTH of the sets of 1100E carbs i have had 180s in them. HOWEVER, neither bike was in stock form when i bought it, and jetting had been done to them.
On changing the pilot air jet: Dynojet calls for changing out to THEIR pilot air jet (and I dont know what size in MIKUNI that would be, but in DYNOJET sizes, theirs IS a 160) IF the bike will start cold with no choke, and idle rises above recommended specifications when warm. Basicly, they include that airjet to LEAN that circuit out from what it sounds like. Some bikes actually DO have to be leaned in certain circuits when going to pods and a pipe. The Dynojet kit for a GSXR for example includes recucing "plugs" for the holes in the slides, (where we would drill them out) and the main jet is actually SMALLER than stock...alot has to do with their needle design more than anything...
But Steve is pretty right on with his explaination and jetting suggestions. Im not quite sure if or how the amount of packing in the baffle enters into the equation at all, but im going to see how much things change when i repack my SuperTrapp tonight or tomorrow.. I am running a 138 (the DJ equivelant to just about a mikuni 130) with the clip in the 4th slot from bottom. I am hoping that i dont end up too rich still after repacking...I doubt it but we'll see...