My theory on this was that the previous owner adjusted the carbs to cope with the ''failed O-ring sindrum'' and now that I have fixed the O-rings, the mix is too ritch...
Here is What I tried:
I raised the flotes clearance 2mm to make the mix leener, and turned the mixture screw 1/4 turn clockwise to make the mix leaner also. But then realised that turning the mix screw clockwise actually make the mix ritcher... finally I had to go to work so I couldn't rectify my error. I went to work on the bike and I must admit that the adjustments I did have not helped perfomance. The motor lost what it had gained from fixing the O-rings. The motor seems to strain more and at I dle, if I do a quick rev up, the Idle drops afterwards and the motor almost dies... By the way I cleaned the carbs today.
I'm starting to think now that I went the wrong way with this and that the highway speed variations were actually caused by starving since the carb uses more gas now that the mix is ritcher and therefore the flotes needed to be actually set to richer insted of what I did...
Sorry for the long post, hope some one who understand these things will help.