1. There is a charging issue, I have been told it's the stator, but I'm looking for 2nd, 3rd, etc. opinions. The bike starts up and runs, until the battery dies, and then nothing. Is there a way to test to see if it is the stator or something else? There is a new battery in the bike.
2. When the bike is started cold, it idles at around 1k-1.5k rpms. As the engine warms up, it slowly revs up to about 2krpms then revs quickly to 3.5k. I'm guessing the choke is stuck. The choke cable is just hanging on the handle bars, the switch on the bars is missing. When I pull, or push, on the choke cable at the handle bars, the cable does not move at the choke. The cable at the bars doesn't move more than half and inch. Should I just try to replace the cable to see if that helps? or is there something else to try? I can barely get my hand in to the cable at the engine. If I adjust the idle down once the engine is warmed up it runs fine, I drove it up the block and didn't experience any issues.
As you can tell, I'm very inexperienced with working on motorcycles. All help is greatly appreciated.
this is my first motorcycle, I got it really cheap, the problems don't seem to be that big. Other than these two issues, it works fine.