The other one however snapped flush & I just snapped a screw extractor off in it as well... I knew better than to try that, but it looked like it was going to work, but...

So now I have to remove the head & bring it to a machine shop to get drilled out.

My question is, how hard is it to take the head off?? I have a downloaded service manual but it's a little hard to read. It states both cams have to be removed as well as the cam chain tensioner. It doesn't however, mention anything about the cam chain - do I need to disconnect that as well??
Are there any special tools needed for this job? It talks about a "special T-wrench" to get to the 10mm nuts down in the pockets - will a socket on a long extension do the trick just as well??
Any advice for this poor boy will appreciated, I haven't taken one of these off yet so it will be a learning experience for me.
I am disappointed that I have to remove the carbs & such, I just put them back on after rebuilding them.
I have yet to even start this bike!! I'm considering just putting the exhaust system back on (minus one mounting bolt on the #2 cylinder) just to see if she even runs - although I don't doubt that she will.
Sorry for the long post, but I'm discouraged at the moment & wasn't expecting this set-back.
Oh well...